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[情感日記] loving and harmonious affections

4. A shifting of the emotional centre towards , towards "yes,yes," and away from "no," where the claims of the non-ego are concerned. These fundamentalinner conditions have characteristic practical consequences, as follows:-a.

Asceticism.--The self-surrender may become so passionate as to turn into self-immolation. Itmay then so over-rule the ordinary inhibitions of the flesh that the saint finds positive pleasure insacrifice and asceticism, measuring and expressing as they do the degree of his loyalty to thehigher power with her, he would sanction
everything at oncehe answered.

b. Strength of Soul.--The sense of enlargement of life may be so uplifting that personal motivesand inhibitions, commonly omnipotent, become too insignificant for notice, and new reaches ofpatience and fortitude open out. Fears and anxieties go, and blissful equanimity takes their place.

Come heaven, come hell, it makes no difference now!

"We forbid ourselves all seeking after popularity, all ambition to appear important. We pledgeourselves to abstain from falsehood, in all its degrees. We promise not to create or encourageillusions as to what is possible, by what we say or write. We promise to one another activesincerity, which strives to see truth clearly, and which never fears to declare what it sees.

"We promise deliberate resistance to the tidal waves of fashion, to the 'booms' and panics of thepublic mind, to all the forms of weakness and of fear.

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